
Fund Ideas Campaign

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The Fund Ideas Campaign is a campaign to raise money to spend money on ideas that will actually make money.

Since mohdi shop sales have been sort of slow (7) in the past year and I’d like to get this copier up and going before the zine symposium.

You would have thought I would have sold more “Powered by Gasoline” stickers. I guess there are more biodiesel cars on the road than I expected or maybe I didn’t market them too well or perhaps I just gave too many stickers away.

I’m kicking off the Fund Ideas Campaign with an enormous art sale. Whooo hooo.

Art SaleSee a larger image of this here

I’m selling some originals from the 5″x7″ postcards set. You can see those here.
Plan one of my campaign is to sell a bunch of art that didn’t sell from my last art shows. In addition to the framed art I have for sale, I also have loads of unframed art as well. Prices for original framed pieces range from $25-$275. If you are interested in looking at the art in person, please feel free to give me a call and we can schedule a time. I will also soon be available for commissioned art and illustration. If you would like a larger view of a piece, and cannot come see it in person, please let me know either by phone or email and I will post a larger image for you.

Since, I don’t really sell a lot through MoHDI, I’m going to do a little marketing blast. I’m planning on calling or writing everyone who was ever interested in my work. I’m going to post an announcement on CL, myspace, facebook and a few other online places. Hopefully this will be enough to build a chunk of change.

Q: So what are you going to do with the Fund Ideas Campaign dollars?
A:Well the the Fund Ideas Campaign money is going to be “extra” money that I plan on using to fund a variety of projects, here’s a list….

Initially, I plan on getting enough to get the copier fixed sooner than later. With the copier fixed, I can then get some more products ready to sell at the symposium and though the mohdi shop. Hopefully the machine will pull in some more money to fund more ideas. Eventually, most of my money is going to go into the Art Buy the Inch business.

If you are ever considering buying an original piece of art, please don’t forget about the hundredaire idea guy.

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