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I’ve acquired mountains upon mountains of stuff. It’s almost out of hand how much stuff I have. I realize I could get rid of about 87% of my stuff and still have way too much stuff.
Saturday September 29th 2007
Come to the big ol’ MoHDI clean house sale
Starting at 12:30ish PM ( NO EARLY BIRDS )
5216 SE Salmon.
Call if you need (503)875-1018
I’m going to try to get up early and have stuff set up before 12:30 although I do have a lot of stuff to haul from the basement.
Nothing like getting rid of stuff to make room for more stuff. Strange how that works out.
What gems are for sale you ask? Well….
A trombone, sewing machine, lots of books, a scroll saw, retractable skate shoes (size 10 Mens), an assortment of board games, some random toys and things, some amazing original artwork, a gigantic copy machine and many many many more things. I guess there is too much stuff to list.
Come buy and hang out. I’ll gladly discuss some of my awesome new ideas with you.