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A recent computer problem has been one of a few small hurdles that the MoHDI staff has had to deal with recently. After much strategic thought and planning it has come down to the core tactics of survival in order to allow seeds to grow.
With rent and bills over due, it’s time to figure out how not to lose the place I’m living in and how to manage to keep a roof over the head and food in the tummy long enough for one or more of these pursuits to pay off and for the proper financial guidance that seems so desperately needed from time to time.
Currently my first order of business is to pay rent and bills that will allow me to keep a place to live.
Since rent was due like a couple days ago and crucial utilities can not be shut off, it’s time to take some steps to maintain my non-homeless lifestyle that I have become so comfortable with.
Here is where you can help.
I’m selling my car.
If you know of anyone looking please let me know.
The Car
1986 240 Volvo Sedan, it’s a manual transmission with 161k miles on it.
There are a few dents in it but it’s a good car. It needs new tags and brake pads. The stick is a little loose but once you are used to it it’s fine. I’m asking $1110 but this is negotiable as I need to have sold it like a while ago.
Selling the car will pretty much help MoHDI and staff operate for another month and hopefully be enough time to finish some projects that will actually pay.

If you are not in the market for a car, I’ve got tons of original art for sale.
If you click on the photo you will be taken to my Flickr page and can see some of the pieces I’ve been working on. All of the cabinet cards are priced resonably at $50 each and if you are interested in any other art, I have stacks of both framed and unframed pieces at a variety of prices.

Other Projects move forward
In July of 2007 I started a sketchbook that when finished would be sold to the person who had the best offer for the finished book. Well last week I finished the first in the series for Buy My Sketchbook
While the press releases have yet to be released you can see all pages of the book at
The current best offer is from my Mom and she is offering me $200 plus a nice dinner. I hope with a little bit of exposure on the project I’ll be able to fetch a bit more for the first book in the series. There was after all a ton of time that went into this book.

I’ve already started book two in the series. I hope to get the process down to about a month a book.
Below is a sneek peek at Sketchbook #2 for
Lots more ideas are coming, It’s just hard to get things posted while in survival mode.
I guess it might be time to look for an actual job one of these days. In case you are wondering, my submission to WK for the seeking project they had was either not what they where looking for or perhaps when they asked for my resume, I should have actually sent them it. Either way, I didnt’ get accepted into that program although I still think it would be a fun place to work. Considering my financial situation I’d be willing to work there even if my office had a poor view of the city and I only had one assistant.
I’ve had a boatload of ideas and inventions to post in the past few weeks, I hope to be getting more up on the site once the current situation with money is resolved.
Feel free to comment or contact me if you would be interested in a car, art or a sketchbook.
(my contact info is on the sidebar of this site)
Hundred Dollar Ideas are just Ideas that make a little money.