Boring Conversations with Interesting People

Joe Keatinge Conversations

I had the pleasure to talk with Joe Keatinge as we explored some fun parts of Portland together. Joe is a comic book writer and editor.Check out what he’s up to at him on twitter @joekeatingeIf you are at Emerald City Comiccon this weekend you can follow him around in person!—click here to watch…

Boring Conversations with Interesting People

Mark Saltveit Conversations

I had the awesome pleasure of talking with writer, comedian and World Palindrome Champion Mark Saltveit. We walked through NW Portland on a very nice day. —click here to see video on youtube– View Mark Saltveit Conversation in a larger map Learn more about Mark and see what he does by clicking on some of…

Interesting Idea

Ping Pong Ball Shirt.

My brother has been playing in a ping pong league. The other day he mentioned that all the different teams have different shirt colors. His teams colors are brown. It made the think that the team with the most messed up colors or crazy patterns might have a slight advantage over the opponents. That’s when…

Boring Conversations with Interesting People

Whitney Streed Conversation

Whitney Streed is a Portland Comic. She tells funny jokes. Her and I walked through Occupy Portland all the way to the World Trade Center in Portland while talking about amazingly interesting things. View on YouTube 8pm on Thursday November 10th at THE SARATOGA BAR, 6910 N. Interstate. Whitney working with Mykle Hansen is bringing…

Boring Conversations with Interesting People

Mykle Hansen Conversations

Mykle Hansen has authored several books, is a bike enthusiast, a humorist and all around creative powerhouse. You can learn more about him at He has an upcoming event with several other talented creatives on November 10th, The CHAD Chats — satirical PowerPoint presentations by some of the finest minds in the fields of…

Boring Conversations with Interesting People

Ben Meyercord Conversation

Friday I had the good fortune to get a few minutes to talk with Ben Meyercord. He is a Portland musician. We had a short conversation while walking through Occupy Portland base of operations. View Ben Meyercord Conversation in a larger map Check out Meyercord and Y La Bamba on facebook at

Boring Conversations with Interesting People

Boring Conversations / Interesting People

After falling behind some on posting videos and getting conversations posted. I’m finally catching up with it. Coming soon some exciting interviews including one with comic artist Jim Woodring, several filmmakers including Rudy Durand who made the 1979 pinball cult classic “Tilt” , Susannah Tantemsapya from Creative Migration, GJ Echternkamp, artists Alex DeSpain, Todd Mandelkern…

Boring Conversations with Interesting People

Mom Conversation

A couple weekends ago my mom was in town for the Ceramics Showcase. She produces a lot of work and I’m very amazed that in the little time she’s had her pottery studio she is producing such exquisite work. Check out this wonderful sculpture she created. Thanks Mom!

Boring Conversations with Interesting People

Alec Longstreth Conversation

On Saturday I had the good fortune to talk with Alec Longstreth at Stumptown Comics Fest.   For years I’ve seen Alec tabling at various comic and zine shows. He produces a lot of amazing work and over the years has become one of my favorite comic artists, Phase 7 is a well written comic…

Boring Conversations with Interesting People

Michael Felix and Emily Wormley

Not long ago, I had the pleasure to talk with Micheal Felix and Emily Wormley. Michael gave a presentation for the Curiosity Club at Hand-Eye Supply store in Portland. Michael makes some things that can be seen here and I especially love an awesome model of crowd sourced production that is pretty much…