

The Laughatorium, is a small room where you cram a bunch of people into it, then blast them with laughter. I’m not sure what is supposed to happen next but, I can assume that some of the people in the room will start laughing then soon the whole crowd will be laughing. At some point…


The Endless Slide

A long time ago I had a wonderful idea for a piece of playground equipment, an Endless Slide! Despite not being able to find the original pages of notes and drawings on the idea I drew a rough spec so you can visualize such a fun piece of equipment. Obviously this drawing is not to…


The Posture Hat

Slouching is a major problem now-a-days. More and more people have poor posture. I try to hold the sky up with my head but, if I’m not thinking about it I often end up slouching. I’m 6’4″ and it’s easy to forget what I learned in posture school. Recently I ran into my friend Kim…