Apparently this idea is not new, it was shared to me by Allegra, who heard it from some South African man who said these “Laughatoriums” are all over South Africa. I did a little research and couldn’t find any information on these things. I might look into this more if I have some time.
The idea is really awesome. I could see several uses for these little rooms. Making it portabler would allow you to visit large corporations who like to spend money on “team building” exercises and stuff like that. Perhaps laughter might be more popular than a cup of coffee in the morning. Perhaps pumping a little more oxygen into the room might help people get some good laughter going. It also might be nice to have some funny or interesting drawings inside the room to really add to the experience. The Laughatorium might also serve well as a promotional piece. I think it might be worth building and setting up downtown. There must be numerous health benefits to this sort of device, I guess we won’t know until we build it and test it on people.
Ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha Ha ha Ha ha ha huh HA HA Ha ha ha ha huh.