
All this week!

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For the next week I’ll be Jake Bronstein, at least online I will be.
I’ll be running his blog, I’ll be Tweeting his Tweets and I’ll be facing his Facebook.

I might even be going out with his friends and giving away things he owns. So.. keep an eye on Jake.. on me on the internets all this week. It’s going to be more fun than work…. although come to think of it.. for me personally it might be more work than fun… but it’s fun work.. so it’s more fun work than fun.. since in the long run work is more satisfying than fun I should say it’s going to be more satisfying fun than fun. or.. fun is more fun than work so.. the statement more fun than work still applies..

I love the early morning ramblings.. Stay tuned MoHDI is going to be hot this week.

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