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I went to Fred Meyer today to check on the status of the MoHDI Rewards Program. The program is basically a way that MoHDI can get 1% back on a collective of shoppers. The more shoppers the more money. Collectively we have acquired 896 points at Freddies since the program started. That means if they cut rebate checks today the MoHDI rewards program would get a nice gift card for $8.96! That’s enough for a pretty fun party.
I want to thank everyone that is using the bar code sticker that I made or typing in 4444444444 as the alternate id when shopping at Freds. We are well on our way to having a fantastic party.
According to the receipt we still have till October 27th to gather more points. I’m planning on doing some major marketing pushes for the campaign in the next few weeks. I’ve even considered taking a day or two off work and sitting in front of the store and canvasing shoppers as they enter.
We still have 26 days left before the end of the cycle, so keep up the good work. Feel free to spread the word too. I’m imagining the rewards party will take place sometime in November when they actually send out the Rewards.
Please keep spreading the word! If you would like a bar code sticker please let me know. Remember you can always use 4444444444 if you do not have the MoHDI reward bar code. Every time you shop using the bar code you will see a points count at the bottom of the receipt to see the progress of this idea.