
Ignite. Stories and Comments.

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I was up till about 8 in the morning talking with my friend Dan in the UK. Initially our conversation is about business and happenings as well progress reports. Then we generally end up going off on some wild topics or getting distracted by things. I was telling him about the Ignite Portland event that I was going to then attended on Thursday night. He told me of many stories of random coincidence then told me that he wasn’t going to use that word [coincidence] anymore. Strange things are certainly happening, I’m aware of it too.
Oh.. The Ignite event was Awesome! I’m going to push to make a presentation at the next event. All of the speakers did superb and the presentations…. Wow. I had a wonderful time and got to see some old friends as well meet some wonderful new people.

So as I was saying, I was telling Dan about this event I was looking forward too and how cool the Wieden and Kennedy space is. So I ended up showing him some of Portland via the new Google street view. Oh so much fun. At some point I found a great image of this girl getting on a bike. I’m not sure if it was early morning funnies kicking in or what but, I did find it amusing. Here is a link….
Click Here to see!


The point is about 8:00 AM I went to bed.
At 3:30 PM (7.5 hours later) I get a call from some guys. Now, I should say I’m rather good at being woken up and pretending that I keep normal hours and that I haven’t been sleeping all day. For some reason this call was very confusing. A minute passed. I asked politely who it was and why they are calling.
Turns out they had me on live all across the internet on some online station called woot or something like that. I’ll find the link and post it in the comments. As soon as I was slightly clearer in the head, I somehow managed to pitch MoHDI a little as well the Art Buy the Inch gallery… Turns out I was called by mistake or by some prank. The odd thing is, I did know one of the people who called although I think that was a coincidence as well. Strange. It was a good start to my late day.

So after the Ignite event on my way home I stopped by the B-Side and played some pinball. Then I made my way to my office away from my office good ol’ Beulahland. I ran into Jason who I was very happy to see. His site is great, I should probably read it more. He also has a wonderful beard and mustache going too! So.. I schooled him at pinball and doodled at the bar for a bit.

My Doodles.

I’ve had this idea for a while to make a series of drawings of comments you could easily leave for people in various places on the internet. On flickr for instance you can leave comments on peoples photos on myspace you can do the same on pretty much most blogs you can comment as well. Comments are fun.
Sometimes it’s difficult to come up with the right things to say so… I started doodling the first of many comment imagery. ( I need a better name for this though ) Perhaps CoMad?… Or is that too much like CoNads?
I’m not sure but… here is an example much like the one at the top of this post.


Oh the fun. I will make a page of these so people can find the right things to say when they need to leave comments places. Dan came up with a great list of comments tonight. I hope to have a page filled with these in the next few days. Hooooooray……

Other than the comment stuff I’m still working on selling sponsorships for the gallery and I’m amazed how slowly that has been going although, I have been busy. I need to update Art Buy the Inch someday too… I’ll just add that on my list of to-dos. I’ve also been drawing a lot and I’m gearing up for what is going to be an awesome show of my illustration stuff at the Red Square Cafe next month. And I’ve been training hard for Shorty’s 10th annual Pinball tournament that is coming up November 4th.

Oh… you know those ideas that are too big to talk about on MoHDI, the ones that could possibly make thousands of dollars instead of hundreds, well, I’m going to tell you the one I’m working on right now is… Wow!

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