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The Updates
I’ve been meaning to update MoHDI for some time now, finally I just did it. A lot of my decision is based on the fact that I wanted to promote the sponsors of mohdi by displaying advertisements of their products and services. Despite a few problems I feel the new theme utilizes the real estate of the site much better. You probably notice my splashcast player is much more prominent and I can finally utilize the features that they offer much more. Creating videos is so much easier than typing stuff sometimes. Check out the video on the sidebar, it may not be the most amazing video out there but, it’s a start. I’m certain some brilliant productions will be shown in that space soon.
The Calendar
You will also notice an events calendar above. Right now there are no events in there however, it will soon feature notable events and things going on I’m even going to work in a feature to work in a variety of events going on. You will see as it develops.
New RSS Feed
If you are currently a subscriber to the mohdi feed I ask that you take a couple minutes and update to the new feed that is going through feedburner. This will allow me to actually track how many people subscribe to the feed. If you currently don’t subscribe to the rss feed then click the button on the upper right of the site and subscribe. Or just click here.
Sponsorship thoughts…
You will notice I’m not selling “Advertising” on mohdi, I’m selling sponsorship, the difference is that the word “sponsorship” sounds better, it’s a bit easier to sell a hundred dollar sponsorship slot than it would to sell advertising. Sponsorship is more of a relationship than a business contract. Also I do plan on having some exclusivity to who I will allow to sponsor the site. You will hear more about it as this develops. Despite having everything planned out in my head, it’s slightly more difficult to explain all the details right now. The main point is that Art Buy the Inch is not far from opening and sponsorship is an a great way to get the doors open sooner than later.
If your interested in sponsoring, the basic summary is that 6 months of advertising starts at $100. Feel free to contact me if you are interested. You can reach me at or at (503)875-1018.
Other ideas and Inventions
In the video, I talk about a few fun new things. Be on the look out for new conads, some crazy new marketing schemes and some amazing new products and inventions.
I look forward to hearing your feedback on the new look, theme and dream.